Unleash Productivity

Gophr supercharges your work life by automating meeting notes, managing your calendar, and streamlining those pesky admin tasks. Goodbye, mundane meeting life!

Unleash Productivity

Gophr supercharges your work life by automating meeting notes, managing your calendar, and streamlining those pesky admin tasks. Goodbye, mundane meeting life!

Meeting Master

Let Gophr’s AI do the heavy lifting to take accurate, comprehensive meeting notes – so you don’t have to.

Calendar Wizard

Gophr takes the headache out of scheduling by managing your calendar like a well-oiled machine, making you a time management superhero.

Meet the Gophrs

Meet the Gophrs

Meet the Gophrs

Gophr was founded by Smita & Aneesha, two enthusiastic problem solvers who despised spending time on mundane admin-y tasks at work

Gophr was founded by Smita & Aneesha, two enthusiastic problem solvers who despised spending time on mundane admin-y tasks at work

Gophr was founded by Smita & Aneesha, two enthusiastic problem solvers who despised spending time on mundane admin-y tasks at work

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Ready to join the revolution?

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© 2023 Gophr Inc. All rights reserved.